Kansas City Weather Averages

The following weather charts display the monthly average weather conditions of Kansas City, Missouri. The first weather graph displays the day time maximum average temperature and the number of wet days per month, the second shows the number of hours of sunshine per day compared to the month average rain fall and the third chart indicates the maximum and minimum temperature in Fahrenheit and Centigrade. This average weather conditions can be useful when planning a holiday, business trip or vacation to Kansas City, Missouri.

The Average Weather of Kansas City

Kansas City Weather

The above weather chart of Kansas City, Missouri summarises the monthly averages and season trends.

Sunshine and Rainfall for Kansas City

Kansas City Sunshine Rainfall sun and rain

The average hours of sunshine per day verses the amount of rainfall for Kansas City, Missouri

The Temperature of Kansas City

Kansas City Temperature

Kansas City, Missouri Maximum and Minimum Temperature in centigrade and fahrenheit.

Kansas City has a continental climate, which means that it experiences hot summers and cold winters. The city is located in the Midwest, so summers can be humid and thunderstorms are not uncommon. July is typically the hottest month, with an average high of 90 degrees Fahrenheit. January is the coldest month, with an average low of 22 degrees Fahrenheit. Spring and fall are nice in Kansas City, with mild temperatures and plenty of sunshine. If you're visiting Kansas City, be sure to pack clothes for all seasons!

Spring is an ideal time to visit Kansas City. The weather is pleasant and the flowers are in bloom. There are also many events and festivals taking place during this time, including the KC Riversport Outdoor Adventure Expo and the Kansas City Zoo Run. Summer is another great time to visit, as the city comes alive with outdoor concerts and farmers markets. However, the heat can be oppressive, so be sure to pack plenty of sunscreen and water.

Fall is a beautiful time of year in Kansas City, as the leaves change color and the air becomes crisp. This is also a good time to visit if you want to avoid the crowds, as many families travel during the summer months. Winter can be cold, but there are still plenty of things to do, such as ice skating at Crown Center Square and visiting the Christmas lights at Union Station. No matter what time of year you visit, Kansas City is sure to have something for everyone.

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