Dublin and Los Angeles Weather Comparison

The following weather charts compare Los Angeles’s weather against Dublin's weather.

Click here for detailed weather about Los Angeles or Dublin.

The first weather graph displays the day time maximum average temperature, the second shows the average night time minimum and the bar chart indicates the amount of rain per month. These weather charts visually compare the weather of Los Angeles to the weather of Dublin when planning a holiday or business trip to either.

Maximum Temperature For Los Angeles and Dublin

Maximum Temperature For Los Angeles and Dublin

The monthly average maximum temperature of Dublin compared to Los Angeles

Dublin and Los Angeles Rain Comparison

Dublin and Los Angeles Rain Comparison

The monthly average amount of rain that falls on Los Angeles compared to Dublin

Minimum Temperature For Los Angeles and Dublin

Minimum Temperature For Los Angeles and Dublin

The minimum temperature of Dublin compared to Los Angeles average temperature


Dublin experiences a temperate oceanic climate, with relatively mild winters and cool summers. The sunniest months are May and June, while the wettest month is October. Despite its northerly location, Dublin generally has fewer days of snowfall than other cities at similar latitudes, such as Copenhagen or St. Petersburg.

This is due to the Dublin's proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, which helps to moderate its temperature. However, Dublin is not immune to winter weather events. In 2009, the city was hit by a severe snowstorm that caused widespread disruption. As a result, Dublin's residents have learned to be prepared for anything when it comes to the weather.

Los Angeles enjoys beautiful weather almost year-round, although summers can be quite hot. The average high temperatures in July and August are 86 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit respectively, while the average lows are 66 and 63 degrees. However, coastal areas tend to be cooler than inland areas, so residents often escape the heat by heading to the beach.

September and October are usually the most pleasant months of the year, with average highs of 79 and 77 degrees and average lows of 62 and 60 degrees. November through February is the rainy season, but even then rainfall is relatively light, averaging less than five inches per month. And of course, winters are basically snow-free. So whether you're a sun worshipper or a beach bum, you'll find the perfect weather in Los Angeles.

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