Colombo Sri Lanka Weather Averages

Summary and Temperature - Rainfall and Sunshine

Colombo’s weather is classified as a tropical rainforest climate and the capital experiences two intense monsoon periods. The first monsoon is the south western Yala monsoon between May until August and the second is the north eastern Maha monsoon between October until January. For most tourists the best time to visit is during the early spring months (February until April) when there are the fewest wet days. As with much of coastal Sri Lanka the temperatures only alter by a few degrees throughout the course of the year.

Colombo Weather Averages

Colombo weather

The average weather for Colombo, Sri Lanka

Colombo Temperature in Fahrenheit and Centigrade

Colombo Temperature

Colombo temperature in Fahrenheit and Centigrade

The above chart indicates the maximum day time and minimum night time temperature for Colombo in Fahrenheit and Centigrade. The day time maximum temperature measures the air temperature in shade therefore the temperature of Colombo will be much higher in direct sun light.

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