New Orleans Weather Averages

The following weather charts display the monthly average weather conditions of New Orleans, Louisiana. The first weather graph displays the day time maximum average temperature and the number of wet days per month, the second shows the number of hours of sunshine per day compared to the month average rain fall and the third chart indicates the maximum and minimum temperature in Fahrenheit and Centigrade. This average weather conditions can be useful when planning a holiday, business trip or vacation to New Orleans, Louisiana.

New Orleans weather

New Orleans weather

The above weather chart of New Orleans summarises the monthly averages and season trends.

Sunshine and Rainfall for New Orleans

New Orleans Sunshine Rainfall sun and rain

The average hours of sunshine per day verses the amount of rainfall for New Orleans, Louisiana

The Maximum and Minimum Temperature of New Orleans

Temperature New Orleans

New Orleans Maximum and Minimum Temperature in centigrade and fahrenheit.

New Orleans is best known for its vibrant French Quarter, but the city has much more to offer. With a rich history and diverse culture, New Orleans is a destination that can be enjoyed year-round. However, the city's weather does vary by season. The spring months are generally mild, with average highs in the low 80s.

However, rainfall is common, so visitors should be prepared for some wet weather. The summer months are hot and humid, with average highs in the mid-90s. Thunderstorms are also common, so visitors should pack an umbrella. The fall months are generally mild, with average highs in the low 80s. However, Hurricane Season runs from June through November, so you should be sure to check the forecast before heading to New Orleans.

The winter months are cool and dry, with average highs in the low 60s. However, occasionally a cold snap will bring freezing temperatures and icy conditions. Overall, the best time to visit New Orleans is during the fall or spring when the weather is milder and there is less chance of hurricanes or freezing temperatures.

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