Anchorage Weather Averages

The following weather charts display the monthly average weather conditions of Anchorage, Alaska. The first weather graph displays the day time maximum average temperature and the number of wet days per month, the second shows the number of hours of sunshine per day compared to the month average rain fall and the third chart indicates the maximum and minimum temperature in Fahrenheit and Centigrade. This average weather conditions can be useful when planning a holiday, business trip or vacation to Anchorage, Alaska.

The Weather of Anchorage, Alaska

Anchorage Weather

The above weather chart of Anchorage, Alaska summarises the monthly averages and season trends.

Sunshine and Rainfall for Anchorage, Alaska

Anchorage, Alaska Sunshine Rainfall sun and rain

The average hours of sunshine per day verses the amount of rainfall for Anchorage, Alaska

The Temperature of Anchorage, Alaska

Temperature of Anchorage, Alaska

Anchorage, Alaska Maximum and Minimum Temperature in centigrade and fahrenheit.

The weather in Anchorage, Alaska is cool to cold and often wet. The average summer temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit, with an average high of 66 and an average low of 54.

The average winter temperature is 14 degrees Fahrenheit, with an average high of 26 and an average low of 2. precipitation falls about 139 days out of the year, and the area gets an average of 16.8 inches of snow each winter. However, because Anchorage is located in a coastal climate zone, the weather is relatively mild compared to other parts of Alaska.

For example, the temperatures in Fairbanks range from -58 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, while in Barrow they range from -56 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result, Anchorage is often considered to be one of the best places to live in Alaska.

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