Paris and New York Weather Comparison

The following weather charts compare Paris’s weather against New York's weather.

For individual detailed weather on New York or Paris.

The first weather graph displays the day time maximum average temperature, the second shows the average night time minimum and the final bar chart indicates the number of wet days per month. These weather charts visually compare the weather of Paris to the weather of New York to provide assistance when planning a vacation.

Maximum Temperature For Paris and New York

Maximum Temperature For Paris and New York

The monthly average maximum temperature of New York compared to Paris

New York and Paris Rain Comparison

New York and Paris Rain Comparison

The monthly average amount of rain that falls on Paris compared to New York

Minimum Temperature For Paris and New York

Minimum Temperature For Paris and New York

The minimum temperature of New York compared Paris average temperature

Paris and New York Sunshine and Hours of Sun

Paris and New York Sunshine comparison

Sunshine comparison of Paris with New York - hours of Sun per

New York City experiences all four seasons, and each one brings something different to the city. Spring is a great time to visit as the weather is starting to warm up and the days are getting longer. The flowers are in bloom and Central Park is especially beautiful. Summer is the busiest time of year as tourists flock to the city to enjoy the warm weather and long days.

Fall is another popular time to visit as the leaves change color and there is a festive feeling in the air. Winter can be a magical time in New York, with the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center and ice skating in Central Park. However, it can also be very cold, so visitors should come prepared with warm clothing. No matter what time of year you visit, New York is sure to have something special in store.


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