Las Galletas, Tenerife Weather

The weather chart below shows the average weather conditions per month for Las Galletas, Tenerife. The red line displays the monthly day time maximum temperature while the blue line shows the average night time minimum. The bar chart indicates the number of wet days per month that Las Galletas experiences.

Las Galletas Weather Chart

Las Galletas, Tenerife Weather

The average weather for Las Galletas, Tenerife

When to Visit Las Galletas for a Holiday

Las Galletas has the perfect holiday climate almost all year round making the island a popular destination not just in the summer but also in the northern hemisphere’s winter months. Las Galletas summers are very hot, basking under the sun of Europe’s most southerly set of islands. The true summer months last from late May until early September with the reminder of the year regarded as spring like weather.

The average daytime in Las Galletas temperature during the summer is 28°C but this is the reading in shade, in direct sun is much hotter. The winter maximum is a pleasant 19°C, which is both suitable for the beach and exploring the island.

The majority of the precipitation falls in the winter but the total number of wet days per month is very misleading as rains are very light and fall for less than one hour before blue sky return. The total amount of rain that falls on Tenerife is much less than in Europe.

There is a north south climate divide to Tenerife caused by the high mountains in the centre of the island. This divide is unnoticeable during the hot, dry summers but in winter the north is cooler and wetter than the south.

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