Stonehenge Weather

The following 2 weather charts display the average weather conditions of Stonehenge, England. The first chart plots the maximum temperature and the amount of rain in mm. The second Stonehenge weather chart indicates the average amount sunshine per day and the number of wet days per month. For a guide to Salisbury please click here.

The Weather of Stonehenge

Stonehenge Weather

The average weather for Stonehenge

The weather of Stonehenge is best described as unpredictable and thou the English love to talk about the weather there are no seasonal extremes as experienced by inland continental regions. Summer months are the warmest while winters can be cold. Rainfall is spread fairly evenly throughout the year.

Sunshine and Wet Days for Stonehenge Sunshine and Wet Days for Stonehenge

Number of Rain day and hours of Sunshine for Stonehenge

The above bar chart displays the average amount of sunshine per day in hours and the number of wet days per month.

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